Translate   13 years ago

Care I'll let you into my world on the condition that if I show you the scars that are physical you won't want to leave me on my own. That you'll stay no matter what. That you'll help me save me from myself and my inner demons. That you won't run once we approach the first obstacle. Funny that you left me in my own world and I'm sorry that it was too much for you, I just thought you'd be the one to save me from this abyss that I'm in and help me overcome everything. I didn't realise I was such a burden to you. That I was too heavy to carry or was I even worth carrying? Well I guess you'll never see me again in the flesh but you'll be see me in the paper in the recent death category and in the post you'll receive a letter stating "thanks for the assistance in realising no one cares" and in my will I'll bequeath you my diary to show you how much you meant to me and I'll leave this world knowing no one cared enough to stay and I'll watch from above and see you riddled with guilt and when you read my diary the last page is for you, "see you soon, when you're 6 foot under".

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