Translate   12 years ago

Chapter 5 The flying chubby man removed my blindfold and standing around me where the three people. "Hello, Jay. Do you know why you are here?" said the purple haired girl. "Nope." I said. "Well you are here because you have magic." "Nope." "You can't say 'nope' to everything," says flying chubby man. "Yes I can." "You are getting on my nerves," says the chubby guy. "Stop." said the dark haired man. I had just noticed him. He was in the dark part of the room. His face was illuminated by the electric sphere. "He is just a kid." he says. "Thank you. Can you as in electro dude tell me where I am?" I say. Chubby man opened his mouth to speak but electro man silenced him. "Excuse my friend, he has issues. Now you are in a....well magic school. It may take a while for it to properly sink in. You are a psychic. Now you do you have any Questions." The electro man says. "I have one. How old where you when went crazy?"I reply. "Four," he said, "Now do you know what a psychic is?" "A crazy person," I say. "Wrong, we can move stuff with are mind, teleport, read other peoples thoughts....anything like that. And I believe you can already read minds?" "Yes, Yes I can."

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