Translate   13 years ago

I go running down the steps and tumble right in two his tight embrace. It feels like a century sense I saw him last. Before I can stop them my eyes begin two water and the tears I have been holding in for many months come spilling out. He rubs my back and holds me tighter, calming me down like he used to do when I was small. I don't care that it's raining and I'm in pajamas, him finally coming home makes up for it all. He brings me inside still curled up like a kitten in his arms. My mom is in the kitchen doorway, many emotions passing over her face. Sadness for when he is gone it pains her to be without him, shock that he is finally home, and happiness that our family will finally be complete once again. Her blood shot eyes still leaking a few stray tears. My baby brother comes crawling in to the room a mixture of fear and confusion on his face. Confusion because he dose not know why my mother is crying, and fear because his tiny brain can not process who the strange man is in our house, he retreats to behind my mothers legs. I look up at my father and see a look of pain and sadness on his face, but that dose not mater because he is finally home and we can be a family once more.

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