Traducciones   13 años

Nothing Lasts Forever... I sit alone glancing out of the window ,my heart aching like there is something missing. I can hear your voice, your laugh in my head clouding my brain like a poisonous gas. The memories fast forward like a DVD but the pain still remains the same. I long to see your brown eyes twinkle, I long to feel your arms wrapped around me, but that's just a dream. Im hurting cant you see?, you ignore me I die a little more inside, you avoid me I die a little more. I wish you knew just how much you mean to me, see that I'm the one for you, that we are meant for eachother, me and you a team nobody can break, only we're not a team, we're two separate people , we could be a team but you don't try. The moments we shared flash through my mind, time and time again I cry, I listen to songs that are about heartbreak just to feel better. I zone out like I'm the only one in the room, just to relive those moments we shared, those precious moments that hurt. I don't sleep at night, the images of us swirling around my head like a tornado, each day is a battle. The only thing that's left is for me to give up, put the memories behind me, collect the tissues off the floor and move on with my #life until one day you come back, back to where you belong.....

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