Translate   13 years ago

#depression I begged for the pain Begged for a release But it doesn't come The pain has ceased I fight with the razor I keep in my hand I know you love me But you don't understand I need this razor to cut my wrist I need to make bruises on my legs with my fists It seems so wrong But it feels so right I wouldn't care if I stopped my heart tonight They say it's "just a phase" and I'll "get over it" But you don't how hard I struggle To make myself believe it I try to be strong but I can't be what I'm not I want to hold on with everything I've got But I don't have much That's the problem with me Everything I have Only exists in my dreams But then again I have The best thing of all A person who loves me Who can catch me when I fall I know I won't feel this way forever And I know I'll be happy I'm alive But why do I want to end this #life so badly And destroy everything that's inside

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