Translate   12 years ago

Would You Want To Spend The Rest Of Your #life With Yourself? To make a long story a lot shorter I am not the sort of person I would like to spend the rest of my #life with. I have many flaws which are both irritating and down right rude. I get tetchy around food and eating as many of you know, I have a temper, I say sorry a lot for no reason, I moan and complain etc. These are normal human attributes, yes, but unattractive ones. And yet I fall in love with people who have different irritating attributes and still see fit to love them and want to be with them, possibly, for the rest of my #life. So, why can’t I forgive myself and show the same love? Simple - I care more about others than I do myself and have a tendency to be cruel to my own mind and body and forgive others easily for their issues. This could be either in my favour or bad for my mental health, and if I'm honest it's a bit of both. What I'm saying is - have you ever thought just how odd it is that we treat ourselves differently from how we treat others - or that we expect different from others opposed to what we expect from ourselves? Spooky.

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