Translate   12 years ago

Diseased One day, an old man named John Reeve woke up with a terrible pain in his gut. He had never, in his seventy-nine years of #life, experienced anything like it. So he rushed to the hospital to find a doctor. The nurses frowned when he shambled through the doors, but they found him a bed, and soon a young female doctor was sat beside him. 'Now sir,' the young woman said, 'I need to tell you something. This may alarm you, but try to remain calm.' Reeve nodded. 'Now, firstly, you are experiencing stomach pains because, as I have told you three times this week, you are diabetic.' John wondered how they knew this before they had given him any tests. But he let the doctor continue: 'The reason that you keep coming here, is because you have Alzheimer's!'

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