Translate   13 years ago

Cara | Part 4 A cold silence filled the hospital room. Cara managed to shift her body a little, so she could see the girl who did this to her out of the corner of her eye. The girl was perched on a ripped, blue hospital chair, her dark-skinned hands folded in her lap. Her shiny black hair poked out in all directions, curls falling all over her face in small ringlets. She was a pretty girl; plain, but bright. She wore all black clothes, but somehow something about her still shone. Cara's mother coughed a little, then swallowed hard. "You are a dreadful girl," Cara's mother spat suddenly. They were the only words she could manage. The boldness of the girl and the reality of the moment hit her all at once, like a rock thudding against her rib cage and sinking into her skin. She closed her eyes and sank deep into the chair beside her daughter's bed. The room suddenly felt tight and blue and cold. She tipped her head back and leaned against the wall, closing the world out. Her world had always been prim and trimmed and right, but now it had crashed in a little. Cara sucked in deeply, trying to cough out another few words. "Water," was all she managed. Her mother left to retrieve it, happy for the excuse to get away. With her mother gone, the girl stood and drew close to Cara's bed. "I'm Dani, by the way. I'm sorry."

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