Translate   12 years ago

I Wish I Didn't Look! Why do you torment me with your beauty? I hate the way I feel as I love to gaze upon your face. It's as if you have made it your duty, To haunt me with your elegance and grace. Thy long raven hair, tendrils, pulling me to darkness. Thy supple soft skin and piercing eyes, Thy angelic voice and sweet caress, Lures me to my hearts demise. 'It gets worse before it gets better', They tell me, I have no way of knowing. This pain has no comparison, you bewitching blood-letter, What once roamed these veins has stopped flowing. Why do I torment myself? Beholding your being. Why is it you I see whilst I'm dreaming? Why isn't my heart made of tougher stuff? I'm sick and tired! I've had enough! I wish I didn't look!

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