Translate   13 years ago

Dreams Part Nine Jacob gathered all of the facts that he was sure of . • the hooded men wanted something of his , but he didn't know what . •somehow , his mother was wound up in all of this , although she was suspected dead • he couldn't back out . Anything positive ? •he's not dead - yet . Backup , that's what he needed. Backup.Only one problem :who was going to belive him when he explains the meaning of his dire need for help ? He imagined the conversation in his head ' oh yeah , these freaky men in black hoods are trying to track me down because of my mother who is probably dead .'Brilliant. He would be carted off too a mental hospital and that would be the end of it . There was only one person who he had a hope I the world of persuading to even consider the possibility of him telling the truth . Daniel. His best friend . Good old gullible Daniel .

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