Translate   12 years ago

Evangeline opened the door for her Master, and allowed him to step inside first, her head bowed as he glided past her. He raised his hands, revealing them from inside his worn and scratched cloak, and gazed around the dark room. He spread his fingers out, and took a deep breath, and slowly, the tips of his gnarled and bony fingers began to glow eerily, casting shadows across the floor and and sending ripples of warmth through the chamber. Evangeline pulled back her sleeves and checked each of the spells that had been tattooed there by her village's Shaman, each one a symbol of her ancestors magic, and their power, which she was able to control. They each began to light up, and carefully began to cover them up, she could not afford for the Master to see their truth behind her lies. She calmly followed him into the room, rubbing her thumb and finger together as she built the destructive power hidden

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