Young Love (Pt 14) God, I love this chapter Awesome!!!! But just, just WOW!!!!! Crazy but awesome B-) XD "OH MY GOD!" I said out loud in the toilets. What the Fuck? First of all I'm pregnant with a father that's about to die!! Second of all I'm pregnant at 17!!! Just, no way!? It's not as if I don't want a baby. Just at 17 is a bit much. With Joe about to die? I need him! I'm pregnant with him. I rushed back to the ward and my mom was there with Dr Swanson. They were looking really grave and worried. I knew something was wrong, the air felt more tense then I came in. I just wanted to speak to mom alone. That stupid doctor just making us more depressed by the second. When they saw me they tried to smile. "Oh, hi Hannah. Your back from the toilets." For a minute I think the doctor was smirking. Like I cared. "MOM! I need to talk to you NOW!" Dr Swanson looked at me. "IN PRIVATE!" And I glared at the Dr. "Yeah sure honey. Whatever you want." I lead her outside by the car. "Mom, this is going to come as a big shock but....................................................... I'm pregnant." For a minute she didn't know what to say, "Honey, p pregnant. With Joe right?" "MOM!? Who else?" "Honey, th that's great!" I could hear the doubt in her voice though. "No really. Hannah. Congratulations! Let's go and tell Joe..........................." She looked really sorry, I tried to give hear a reassuring nod though. "It's ok. I think I can raise my child on my own." "No. Joe will come back. He will. He will. He will. For you." I felt near tears both feeling touched and upset at the same time. I doubled up as my stomach gave a sharp pain. "Hannah, let's get you to Dr Swanson quick. We need to tell her. We'll have some tests done on you too." For some reason telling Dr Swanson that I was pregnant didn't really suit me. I just, well....... Didn't want to see her. Neither I wanted her to heal Joe. Someone else, she seemed well fishy I guess. But mom already had gone inside, and probably told her. I went to the ward where Joe was and sure enough mom and Dr Swanson were chatting together. "And here she is....... My lovely pregnant daughter!" "Oh..... How nice Hannah," she talked to me in a really fake nice voice. (If you get what I mean.) "Let's come and do some tests on you. But the first ones are private. Sorry but no one except me can come in." I wanted to scream at her to not touch me or Joe. But my mouth remained glued. "Err ok." "Honey, I hope it goes well remember when you come out I'll be right here." Mom didn't notice anything too mysterious and she's usually an pro at these things So I guess it's just me. I walked into another empty ward with her and she told me to lie down on the bed. As soon as I was on the bed, these metal handcuffs from nowhere attached me on. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!! HELP!!!!" I screamed. She put her hand on my mouth and nose so that I couldn't breathe. "Now, we shall be doing some tests alright. Not really good ones though." She got out a HUGE needle with thus blue and purple liquid in it and stabbed me in the chest. I saw blood and fainted. I woke up gasping for breath in a black room. "Hey. Babe, don't worry I'm here now. Sorry I should have looked after you." I heard a familiar voice saying. I looked up and saw Joe standing over me!!!!!

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