Translate   12 years ago

Ok not sure what to write but I thought blogging might be therapeutic for me, maybe not for those reading my ramblings, but nevertheless here I am not sure how I arrived here, one App lead to another and actually this might be the start of something significant. Even if only I am reading these words they might make me make sense of my thoughts and putting them on paper I hope might go someway to declutter my mind... You never know? I think I might be feeling some benefit already. Now it's time I hit the sack. I have a million and one things running around in my head, sometimes the only time I am free from the worries I have is when I am sleeping. Sometimes when you know you have friends you can confide in you actually chose not to, just so that you don't want to always be the bearer of dreary updates and news. No news is good news a lot of the time! Good night Ormicus

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