Translate   12 years ago

alpha-Methyltryptamine I was craving for a stimulant and there was a legal drug called aMT kicking about. Sat up the pub after a night on pills with Chris, I heard about aMT again, and it intrigued me. So I asked for 2 doses on tick and the answer was yeah. I was incredibly anxious and was actually getting a little annoyed waiting for the chemicals to arrive, but then I realised I wasn't paying for it right now so I let the annoyance leave me. I ended up getting 3 doses for £25. Anyway, the chemicals finally appeared and we got a lift home for a fiver which was pretty good considering a taxi cost £18. After saying our farewells to our driver, with him wishing us a good night, we entered my humble abode. Chris was pretty hungry so we decided it would be a good idea to eat, he had a shit load more food than me as I just wanted to get high. So whilst he munched 2 sloppy looking sandwiches, which both had generous doses of peanut butte and jam, I noshed in some pork pies. Before the food we put the powder into some skins and prepared our tripping radius with Grand Theft Auto on the PC, and a selection of games, music and movies on the Xbox. Ten thirty arrived and we swallowed the bundles of orange powder with some orange juice and started to wait. Not going to lie, I was looking around my room for anything that looked abnormal as the drug was described to me as a trippy pill. Kinda like LSD and MDMA combined. So I got bored of looking around and started hammering GTA just mindlessly drifting around the streets and getting into some epic melee fights, it was intense fun for me, even when sober. After about 30 minutes, i gazed at the blinds and they started looking interesting, morphing into each other, patterns disappearing. That happens when I glare at them normally, but it was particularly interesting as I was searching for such abnormalities again. After about 15 minutes of glaring at the blinds, the patterns were starting to look insanely trippy, and throughout it all me and Chris had some intense conversation. Come to think of it, I can't even remember what patterns are actually on my blinds, but they started to move slowly and morphing into each other. I started getting a sense of euphoria when I was experiencing these visuals and I got incredibly confused because everyone who had taken the substance before said it took quite some time to come up, it took me between 45 minutes to an hour to feel it. I got distracted from the visuals by conversation again and I had the urge to play GTA once more. So I sat down and started mindlessly smashing it. It didn't seem too trippy when I sat and played it again, but I still had an enjoyable body high. After playing GTA for what could have been hours, I found it to be 2AM. So I suggested an incredibly silly idea. To snort some. One dose was about 60mg, so we had a baggie, and tipped half of it onto fables case. The original plan was to snort a tiny bit, but we thought fuck it, and had another 25mg up through our nostrils. Immediately after inhaling the substance through my left nostril, I felt a sharp pain in my nose and in my head. My eye was watering with tears streaming down my face, hell, I thought snorting mcat was painful! Chris hoovered up his line and we both thought it was amusing that we actually shovelled more of this drug, that we had no idea about, up our noses. Typical teenagers doing drugs, so stereotypical. Anyway, it was after the snorting when my whole perception changed. I decided to take a shit and I was completely mesmerised by the intense visuals that I experienced on toilet walls. The wallpapers patterns were starting to morph into each other and rapidly spiralling out of control. It felt insane. After failing to take a shit I went back into my room and explained what happened to Chris, it also felt good trying to shit so I strongly advised giving it a go. So off Chris went to the toilet and he must have seen something similar, but not as intense. By this point I was having wild visuals everywhere in my room, and we kept on getting side tracked by everything. Chris needed his phone charger which was an interesting mission and a half. I tried to find my dads charger and it just wasn't there, so we fumbled down the stairs and checked the drawer where all the wires were kept. No luck. But on the mission we found Sellotape to fix Chris's glasses and went back upstairs. I played GTA again, but this time things were trippy, I ended up just obeying speed limits and shit, looking at the surroundings of the game. After I snapped out of that, Maddie, my dog, was attacking a duvet and ripping its insides out. I heard Chris in the background talking to her in a high pitched voice, and I looked over and realised what was going on. That was trippy shit as my dog never does that! Getting sidetracked. I remembered about Chris's phone charger. Actually, he admitted he manipulated me, but yeah, I put my torch on and found the charger exactly where I looked originally. Trippy. We charged the phone and I was buzzing to go to work (by this time it was 5:30AM). I had to phone work to see when I started an the guy on the phone was a proper prick. So he told me to phone back in 15. I phoned back and found out I started at 9 which was sketchy because it meant I only had an hour before I ha to set off. We set off for me to go to work after multiple side tracks and having to borrow my mams bank card. My mams face looked incredibly weird, droopy and cartoon like, with her cheeks looking like they were hanging low, and insanely bright red lips. When we waited for the bus, everything was pulsating and breathing, patterns appearing on the floor, and when the bus pulled up to the bus stop, it looked like it was going 60mph, and came to a halt almost immediately. That's when we realised that we both were getting visuals. We hopped on the bus, and blatantly talked about being off our tits really loud as we didn't have a care in the world. It was an enjoyable experience. The bus ride was pretty intense and as we arrived in durham, the thought of work was starting to worry me a little. Climbing up the road towards the station, I turned and appreciated the city centre for the first time in my #life. Durham is breathtaking. After this experience, I proceeded to the station and was about to purchase a ticket. So I place the plastic rectangle of a debit card into the machine and punched in the pin code. One. Three. Three. One. Incorrect pin. One. Three. Three. One. Incorrect pin. I gave up after trying twice as I did not want to get my mothers card blocked. That's was definitely the pin. Chris suggested that the fact I was tripping caused me to type the code in wrong, which was entirely possible. Turns out my mother got a new card issued and the pin had changed. This situation was so confusing as that scenario did not occur to ourselves. After deciding that our destiny for the day was to trip together, I phoned up work and told them that I was going hypoglycaemic, which was an interesting phone call as I was speaking to the prick who answered at 7am. And then the adventure really started. To be continued...

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