You Will Not Die In Vain CHAPTER 1 I watched the blood, there was so much. Too much. That shouldn't be him. Of all people, why him? I stared at our television screen in horror watching him be tortured. I couldn't bear it! I could feel his pain. Then I watched him, my big brother die, laying curled up in my mothers arms. That was the moment I realized I had to be a victor. *2 YEARS LATER* Waking up felt like a chore today. But that's okay, I have so many others that one more just won't matter. Well, I guess they're not chores, but activities. So many activities. With much effort, I finally got myself out of bed. I checked the time, I don't know why though, I'm never late. Except for today! Training started 15 minutes ago! I'm suprised they haven't already sent someone in my room to tell me to pack my bags! I got dressed in my usual training clothes and I ran out my door. "Samantha Hyla! Where exactly have you been?!" Mark ordered. I would expect nothing less from my training instructor. "I-I was...In my r-room" I stuttered. What was I suppost to say? I overslept and didn't feel like getting out of bed? Here, being late is almost unforgivable. Or as they say to us 13 year olds "strongly frowned upon". "And you're expecting that to be a good enough answer?!" he yelled, amd I jumped. Unbeliveably, I almost forgot her was there. What do I say? What do I say?! "N-no sir, I was in my room, and I, uh, over...overslept..." I said almost as a question. He looked at me suspiciously for a moment. "Get over there with the other students, if you were anything less than my best student, you would have been out of here Samantha!" he said as I walked over to the others. "Sam..." I corrected. "Don't push it Ms.Hyla!" he said I stood in my spot as Mark, or as we are suppost to call him, Mr.Nolas started talking about the correct way to throw a knife, even though just about every one of us had mastered that subject...or was it just me? I got some uneasy glances, maybe because he just called me his best student, but others were just of pure amusement. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. Yet, I also felt some pride in being envied. After all, I am a Career, nothing else matters but sucess. Sorry this was a short chapter! Its just because its the first one. The others will be longer
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