Translate   13 years ago

The Dream Journal: Prologue I walked down the narrow, wooden bridge. The sound of my boots echoing of this delicate wood sounded a million years away to my tiny ears. Nothing seemed to reach it as it should. I was almost legally deaf. I I kept walking a book caught my eye. Bound in a rich, brown leather with a beautiful, glowing gold title, it was a find meant for only a reader. Swooping down to collect my newly found gold doubloon, I looked at the etching on its neat spine. Caressing it in my hand, I felt the coolness from it neglected face. That was when I noticed the title. "The Dream Journal". I thought that it had been just as the title would leave anyone to believe. It was someone's dream journal. It contained their nightmares, their dreams only dreamt in the night, and the ideas that had popped into the owner's head while they lied down together in a possibly silk bed. My thoughts were wrong though. I would later come to know that this book had no owner, nor did it contain dreams I would like to possess in my head. It was something that could only originate from a mad man. I opened the book to the first page and read the introduction. "Welcome to The Dream Journal. Be ready to see things no man could understand. This is a world never imagined before. Are you ready for your journey?" I smiled a quick smile that was replaced by fear. Tendrils of colors never seen before grabbed a hold of me and pulled me in to the black and white print of The Dream Journal. The damp paper enveloped over me as I slid and became two dimensional. The nightmare had begun and I was not ready for what was soon to come.

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