Anonymous Recently I've watched Anonymous. Centered during the era of William Shakespeare, the story told us how most of Shakespeare's art was written by Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. To be honest I'm quite shocked. Not sure if it's true or just a twist. Most of us know damn well about how great was Shakespeare during his time, in fact up until today. But in Anonymous, they portray him as an illicite. Not being able to read or write seems quite shoking for someone who is a legend. It seems Edward de Vere was the man behind the scene of all Shakespeare's masterpiece. Edward was the one who wrote all of the sonnets, #poems and plays which were credited to Shakespeare. The reason why Shakespeare took all the credit was because de Vere was the man who supposed to support his government but unfortunately he was banned from having any voice in parliament and therefore remain silent for the rest of his #life. Despite having a high position and tons of title in his name, he didn't show much involvement in politics. It was all because of his affair with the Queen at the moment, Elizabeth. Edward died in vain but his name will live forever. Its just a theory though based on the film synopsis. If the film was telling the truth, the whole world has been living the lies of Shakespeare. How sad we shall be. The story was amazing and their #poems are far more glorious than any #poem I've read in my #life. Long live the King!!!

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