Translate   13 years ago

What If? The Phantom Of The Opera Ch.2 Part 1 Christine-I woke up in a strange bed and was engulfed in a shower of embraces. “Where am I?” I asked. As my vision started to clear, I could see everyone from the opera house crowded around me. Raoul was standing next to me caressing my hand. Next to him were Meg and Madame Giry. Meg had a weird look on her face and kept one hand behind her back. Odd. All of the other dancers were there and even Carlotta was sulking in the back, her face puffy from crying. How peculiar? I thought to myself. I managed to prop myself up and discovered myself in the same robe I wore when…. I don’t even want to think about it anymore. Once again I inquired as to where I was. “You’re at the hospital. After the chandelier fell, the phantom of the opera took you hostage until Raoul came and rescued you.” Meg said. That was not how it happened at all! I was going to correct her, but I managed to hold my tongue. Meg continued,” You passed out after the horrible ordeal. You’ve been out for three days. Raoul hasn’t left your side the whole time!” I stared at Raoul and I noticed how disheveled he looked. He smiled coyly back at me. Normally, I would blush, but I don’t feel the same way about him that I used to. There were no butterflies in my stomach from seeing his perfect smile. I’m in love with someone else…”Is the Opera house still standing?” I Inquired. Raoul replied,“Look out the window and see for yourself.” I was surprised by his gruffness. However, I think he saw the expression on my face and gingerly assisted me out of bed and helped me stumble over to the window. I was devastated by what I saw. The building itself was still standing, however the doors were gone as well as the windows. There was a grey tint to everything due to the ash. I was devastated. I gasped and was surprised to find myself hugging Raoul close. I was sobbing. That was my only home I had known for years and years. I buried my face into Raoul’s Jacket. I wonder if my angel of music is down there still, in his labyrinth of night. He lifted my head up and wiped the tears from my eyes. He stroked my hair and said, “I understand how hard this must be for you. After the fire the found ten people dead, one of them was Piangi.” That was why Carlotta was crying. I couldn’t hear anymore. The tears came out again and I covered my ears. “!!!” I screamed. I was hysterical, shrieking and crying like a little girl. Raoul shooed everyone out of the room, but Meg stayed for an extra moment and I saw her slip something under my pillow before she pranced out of the room. Raoul scooped me up and layed me back on the bed whispering things in my ear and attempting to calm me down. Eventually I must have fallen asleep because I dreamt that my angel of music was holding my hand instead of Raoul…

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