Translate   13 years ago

The Gift Your conceptualized flaws Were truthfully nonexistent, But I have to admit; Your eyes always seemed so painfully distant. I'd bend and I'd break For a sight of your smile, But now I can overtly see Your seemingly beautiful intentions were vile. I gave you my everything I took the unforeseen fall, But you left me lying broken, Didn't care to answer a single crying call. I sat helplessly, Sure you could never just simply abandon me, But lord, was I wrong You were using me all along. I prayed and I prayed As inside me, she wept and she kicked, Begging for a final resolution To this sorrowful conflict. Nine months sure felt like eternity, sobbing alone and desperate, Utterly shocked that this was the regrettable end of it. I can't say I went in painless peace, Can't even say I was loved at the least, But I gave the world a gift, A glowing light in the haze, And from the wonderful up above, She is the one I will forever praise.

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