Tradurre   13 anni fa

Room 209: Preface I have reluctantly made the decision to write a novel based off the events in a dream I recently had. I doubt if I will post the chapters here, but let me know what you guys think. If you want me to, then I might. I'm just not sure if you're interested in where it's going. ~ He had light brown hair touched by a sort of caramel hue, permanently pink cheeks, and a smile that, when activated, lit up a whole room and brought all the focus in the world to him and his angelic face. He was a mere eight years of age, but possessed the height and weight of the average five or six year old, as he had always been the runt of the pack within his friends and family. The young boy sat patiently waiting in the freshly wet grass, humming an upbeat Billy Idol tune to himself - one that he vividly remembered hearing play in his car several months ago. He hadn't particularly cared for the song, but the thought of music in general brought some hope into his #life, giving him a euphoric sensation. He had never been quite sure what it was with him and music, but he'd developed a serious relationship with it around the age of two, as his mum claimed that he would always start giggling when she murmured lyrics to him in her arms, or even turned on the radio whilst buckling him in his car seat. He knew music and its many tones, instruments, and meanings would always hold a dear part in his #life. He looked up, gently brushing the fallen leaves from the towering maple tree out of his long, unkempt hair. He could barely spot a flesh-colored speckle in the distance, growing larger and larger with each second. "Jay!" he cooed, clumsily waving his arms through the air. His best mate approached, a mischievous grin plastered on his youthful face. "Hi, Tay-Tay," he responded, plopping down in the green grass. Jayden (or Jay, as Tayler called him) was a lot different than Tayler, despite their shared obsession with harmonies and instrumentals. For one, Jayden had soft, groomed blonde hair down to his ears, which waved slightly at the ends. At the age of six, he was much more mature than Tayler in many ways. Not only was he taller by three inches, but his face, although so young, was much more captivating and appealing compared to the way Tayler's face was simply adorable. They also both acquired completely opposite looks, style wise. Jayden loved his white tshirts, fitting blue jeans, and high tops, while Tayler always seemed to prefer any sort of shirt containing stripes, followed by khaki shorts and sandals. Neither boy gave too much of a care for their physical appearance otherwise, but they could both easily agree that they would swap eye colors with each other in a heartbeat, as Jayden desperately desired Tayler's oceanic eyes, while Tayler felt the same for Jay's emeralds. Jayden ran his hands through his luscious locks and grinned merrily at Tayler, revealing a full set of precious, deep dimples. Tayler leaned over and giggled, poking his left cheek. "Don't poke my dinkles!" Jayden laughed, slapping his hand away. He had always called dimples "dinkles," just a habit he'd picked up the moment he could speak for the first time. The boys smiled at the sunrise, satisfied with every aspect of their lives. They knew that they would spend every waking moment together that they could, and never expected one to lose the other in the most shocking of ways.

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