Gotta Be You-Part 3 //Part 3! I have some good ideas aboutt this one...// Gotta Be You •Chapter 3• *Zayn Pov(for now)* Once I heard Alex was sleeping in my room I got excited. That meant time with her. My wish came true. 'You know how to use the shower?' I said following her upstairs. 'Im not blonde! Yes of course.' I laughed. 'Okay. A simple yes wouldve been fine' She gave me a death glare 'Zayn...' she said smiling than looking away. She plopped her bags down on the extra bed in my room-well our room. 'Ill wait for you okay?' I said making sure it sounded right. 'K. Can I borrow like a shirt tonight?' 'Sure babe' She nodded her head went into the bathroom. I sighed. I pulled out my guns and roses shirt. 5 min later she came out. 'Zayn?!' she said. 'Yea?' 'Hand me my pink shirts and your shirt please' I grabbed them and handed them to her. I wanted to cuddle her. 'Zayn?' She asked her hair in a perfect messy bun. 'Ohh uh lets go to bed.' She nodded 'Okay. Night Zayn!' She smiled cuddiling into the sheets. 'Night' I said. //How was it?? Hope you enjoyed!! I need tags//

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