Translate   13 years ago

Dimitri Vladimir: Vampire Slayer My name is Dimitri Vladimir, and I am a vampire. I also slay them. I know that sounds pretty bad, but when your family is slewn right before your eyes by a man you think you trust, that messes with your head. Trust me. You don't want to eff with me. All this started with a simple book, a card, and a wish. A wish that ruined my #life forever.... "Dimitri, please wake up. You have received a package. The deliveryman will not let me sign for you." I reach for my alarm clock and read the time: noon. "Shoot, I slept in! I was supposed to meet Xander at work two hours ago! Crap!" I fling away my bedspread and rush to get dressed. Why the hell didn't I hear the alarm? I set it loud. Even tested it three times! God, why must my sleep be heavy! " Thanks, Rees! I'll be down in a minute!" I run to the bathroom next door and then shove a toothbrush into a dispenser and furiously brush my teeth. I spit and gargle mouthwash and then spit that as well. I grab my phone when I reach my room, along with a tan pleather missionary bag. I sling it on my shoulder and then grab my mp3. Running at top speed I almost biff it down the staircase, and catch myself on the banisters. I heave myself up and scrawl what I hoped was a signature and stuff the package unceremoniously into my bag. I sure as hell hope It wasn't fragile. I snatch a ring of keys from a hook outside, and scramble for my car key. Shoving it into the lock, I unlock my car. It's an old mini cooper from ages beyond what I care, but I love it. Parking swiftly, I wrench the door open and say loudly, "sorry I'm late! I Overslept. is there work today?" a wise, sage like old male of about sixty walked up and hugged me. His name is Vann Valentine, and he is my grandfather. " no, but you have a gift: a book of Secrets was dropped off today, and It has your name in it." I gawk at vann, my eyes wide. Book of Secrets? Why would I get that? I hate fantasy. Vann comes back with a tattered black leather journal, and he winks. I don't really know why, but I open the book. And then I gasp: my decease father sent this to me. The postmark was two days ago. "Dads alive! Why didn't you tell me?" grandpa smiled widely, fangs protruding from his teeth. He's a vampire, and ready to kill . He lunges and I run, opening and slamming the door as I ran for my #life.

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