Translate   13 years ago

The Magic Day 12: Magic People Who Made A Difference People come into our lives. Some stay a long while, some for a few minutes. Some people who stay a long time has made a difference in how and who we are now. Some people who you just met for a few minutes can also change your #life dramatically. It doesn't matter how long people are in your lives, they can make a huge difference. That what this chapter says. The practice for this chapter is a bit reflective. I had to take some time and think of 3 people who have made a difference in my #life. These are the 3 Magical People. I choose my mom, even if we have an extreme love hate relationship. The second one was the friend who gave me this book and the third is my best friend back in college who lives in a different country now. I had to talk out loud and say the reason why I'm grateful for them. The book did not say that I had to tell them but I took it a step further and wrote it down which the book allowed me to do... yes I like to do things by the book! I chose to write it down for 2 reasons. Talking out loud to no one will make me feel more of a nut case than anything and I wanted to email what I wrote to them. As not to scare my mom into thinking I'm dying, I did not send her my email of gratitude for affecting the course of my #life, but I sent my 2 friends the things I wrote down why I'm grateful for them and how they have affected the course of my #life. After writing the things I'm grateful for and how they affected the course of my #life POSITIVELY, I felt really happy, I felt really grateful having them in my #life. This chapter worked alright! Now I'm just waiting for the second effect of gratitude which is attracting wonderful things... I guess I have attracted wonderful things, I'm probably just not too conscious in seeing them.... I'm still a work in progress... but progress none the less. Come to think of it from being a very negative dark person, I've come a long way, a huge reason for that is this book. I used to be like hmmmm a mixture of Ally McBeal, Juno and Merideth Grey.. the sarcastic, dark, everyone is happy but me emo type. As much as I want to be a sunshiney, cheerful and a bright person... the type which I usually insult every chance I get and try to break down, I wanna be like them...I'm slowly changing by being grateful for what I have and will have. For those reading this, my #life has so many issues on top of each other now and I'm slowly getting over them, some Ive gone through with flying colors since I started this MAGIC book. Its tough solving #lifes issues with a negative heart. If you have problems and issues bothering you and you think that the universe is conspiring against you... STOP thinking that and as hard as it may seem at first... Look at the bright side and consciously look for things to be happy about and grateful for. If you do this it is easier to get through #life.

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