Translate   13 years ago

Over You put everything you have into one thing. You want it more than anything, so you work. You push past what you should and you reach for what you want. You can almost taste it. You pass the first round of waiting and drowning in what you think is excitement. So you press yourself against a wall and climb it. Your pushing to achieve this goal, and you can't. They let your hopes get up, and your heart pounds. You think you've done it. But then you slip up, and your nerves kick in. You start Sliding down the wall. Everything falling apart in front of you. You Cling to this wall, but it starts Falling. Your underneath it. In a pile of ruble. The only way now is to Push harder than before and remove all the Garbage from yourself. Its tougher now, nearly impossible. But you try, you want this more than anything. It's your future, its all you can do. And it's not enough. everything you thought you had is shattered. The ones who didn't try knock you in to the garbage that you had just cleaned from yourself. The ones who are better drag you down while you dig your nails into the cement. And you fail. It's all over and you couldn't do it.

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