Translate   13 years ago

The Titanic Part 3 Time:12:32pm.At some point the ship will sink.This all seems like a nightmare but I just know that it is all real.I'm beginning to feel a little dizzy now.I don't know what to do. People are getting onto #lifeboats but the queue is just huge.More water is pouring in.It's getting colder.Everyone's getting more scared.I stand there,frozen,in the middle of the ship surrounded by people shouting.I close my eyes for a while...I then open them.No.This really isn't a dream. I now feel more dizzy.Everyone is panicking and the ship is rocking and swaying...I collapse onto the wet ground then darkeness comes into view. I havn't woken up yet but I can hear voices.People are calling my name."Bluebell...Bluebell."I have finally woken up...On a #lifeboat.I sigh in relief.I look around to find The Titanic tilted on an angle.I stare at it,imagining how it was before.But now...sinking like a stone.

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