The Titanic Part 2 I quickly put on some clothes and ran onto the top deck of the ship with everyone else.1st,2nd and 3rd classes were all crowded on the top deck,as it was the safest place.Time:11:34pm.It was starting to get cold. Everyone around me was panicking,mothers are holding screaming babies and children.I slowly walked to the edge of the ship and peered down to look.Freezing cold water lashed the side of the ship,the iceburg had taken a large chunk out of it.The ship begins to sway.The#moonhangs luminously in the pitch black sky.People screaming and shouting...This is scary. It is now midnight and all the doors are now closed in the rooms on the lower decks.I can hear and see water pouring from the lower deck rooms tranfering some water on the top deck.I feel more scared now. Some people are jumping off the side of the ship and some people are praying.But most of them are.......screaming.

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