Translate   13 years ago

Another Day Sally - 19th August She'd moved out of Ryan's flat a few days ago and now she'd just found her new place in her new location. Chelmsford... Just big enough, just small enough, and just close enough to travel back to Norwich if the situation ever needed it. Perfect. She began packing. She started paying the rent on the place from next week. Simon called, again. "Simon, you can't keep calling me. My decision is final. So unless you want another start away from it all, then please, stop calling me. 'cause by the sounds of what you're going through, I think you could do with this new start just as much as I do. I'm not saying we have to start it together... As friends I was hoping. Anyway, it's a two bedroom place..." she cut herself off when she only heard him breathing. "Sally, let's do it. Let's get away from all this shit. You're better than Ryan, and I'm better than just sleeping with random girls. Jerry would've wanted me to sort my #life out. And I think this is his way of giving me the chance. Email me all the details yeah? I've got to go and sort out stuff ready for our move." He hung up before she managed to say goodbye. A new start for the both of them she thought... This could either be a really good or really bad thing. She hoped for the sake of both of them that it'd be good.

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