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Diary Of A Madman #3 3rd February 1786, 3rd Era, Year of the steam Entry 266 Dear Diary Oh what a great revelation that had revealed itself to me this day! The second after I woke up, I did not eat, I rushed down the staircase into my workshop and set to work forging a silver part in the shape of the part that I was apparently missing. The silver I salvaged from my late fathers collection of watches, clocks, various necklaces and jewellery. I do not care to think what his opinion of my actions would be. It would not be of importance anyhow. The taper on the top of the cylinder was particularly difficult to craft but I managed. By the location of the part in the centre of the diagram it looks as though it could be some sort of power source. I do not know if this is the case or how it could work. I have very little to work on. When I was satisfied with the shape of my creation I decided I must venture into the city to acquire nourishment. It is not often I leave my house. Society does not accept me the way I am. I am ridiculed for my paleness, shyness and my "eccentric" language. I try to avoid other human contact at all costs, but I had to eat. I kept up a brisk walk into the city. It took only a few minutes despite my dwelling not appearing to be quite so close to town. As I browsed though the fish on display I noticed children seeing me and running away in fright. Several canines whimpered at my mere presence. All of a sudden I turned around to see two young men pointing and laughing at me. I let out a scream of anger and upset. What have I ever done to harm them? I had enough. I grabbed a salmon and ripped it to shreds, took a bite and spat it in the face of the fishmonger. With that I ran directly home, never looking back to see the public's shocked gazes. I do not regret any of my actions. When I reached home I kicked my cracked door open. I released my anger on the nearest object available. The 5 foot long table was flicked on its side. A candle hit the wall, leaving hot wax solidifying on the panel work. That was it! The confusing object was a candle! The heat would be used as a power source! I fell to my knees, now crying in astonishment. I am still getting my head round what on earth the machine could do. At least today I discovered something useful, although slightly dampened by the events in town. I shall assemble this mysterious object tomorrow.

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