Stetson&I I looked out the window today. It seemed like a normal day, but it wasn't. That feeling of pain, regret, suffering, sadness, has gone. Completely gone. I am so happy. We're finally together. I just want to be with you, my heart was wishing everyday to be whole again, to stop hurting. I couldn't believe in anything I was feeling. And what I was feeling was quite simple, nothing.. I was so accustomed to feeling that pain killing me a little bit more inside day by day. Week by week. And now, it's not here anymore, because we're fine. We're happy again. It seems like a fantasy. All those days suffering for us are rewarded. I waited for this moment. This day. For so long. And it happened when I least expected. I was missing you. I was needing us to be like that. I am loving you like I did since the first time I ever saw your face. I have never been so happy in my entire #life. We're together. Me and you. &thenIwokeup

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