Translate   13 years ago

She Was Magical. If you glanced at her you would think of her as your average Oklahoman girl with ripped bargain jeans, a $2 brand shirt from 10 years ago, and and scuffed up cowboy boots she'd probably had since she was 11. Her hair was gathered up into a messy ponytail, but none of that did anything to affect the feeling you got got when you saw her bright violet eyes. From that point on, you knew your first impression was terribly wrong. Her extraordinary eyes told her #life story. All the pain and tears she'd gone through, all the secrets she'd ever kept and never told, all that made her who she was. Although, what shined the most, was her contagious happiness. She saw the beauty in everything. She could make butterflies out of ashes, and when her and her butterflies were pinned to a corkboard, the pins merely went through and away they flew. The shallowest of people only saw her as just another girl in this small town of Hulbert, but I saw much more, and they were truly missing out on the beauty I saw, as rare as snow in Hawaii.

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