Traitor Of An Owner Found a flaw, kicked me to the curb. "upgraded" to the newer model. The newer model that you drove me to purchase. You assured me the car was a rental and was surely temporary. You told me you loved me and told me that I would be restored. You welcomed me to stay in the garage where I'd be loved and taken care of. You told me that you wanted to work with me and help me. Instead, you put me in the back yard...lies, lies, lies! I apologized for the mechanical flaws i had and begged for your forgiveness for letting you down. Oh how i loved my owner, i thought you loved me as well. for a long time i felt loved and taken care of. By and by, you forgot me, the old car. You let me rust, break down, let my gas go bad, get flat tires, point out my flaws, exaggerate my flaws...who cares? Not you of course! You Praise the new car! Ignore its flaws! Ignore the fact that MANY previous owners spoke of its faults! the new car fails you frequently, yet you praise the car and say "look how great this car is! Give the new car applause!" The new car is fake! You thought you got a Mercedes but all you got was a junky old Neon like myself. The new car cruises around flaunting its fake Mercedes shell, impressing many but cant hide the truth. I, the old car need a new owner, somebody that will appreciate me, help fix me, put some work into me, use me and not abuse me. I need a owner that understands that cars have flaws and need work to overcome those flaws. Cars need love, without the care of the owner they rust, rot, and eventually die. I'll look for a new owner and park in their garage. One with tools, that will work with me, somebody that wants to see me restored. Someone that will stick with me while the Good Mechanic fixes and heals me. FYI, if a car is taken care of, it will last forever. The Good Mechanic can fix ANY flaw a car may develop.

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