Translate   13 years ago

Farewell I stood in between the lanes where different sizes of vehicles drove pass me. I stared blankly ahead, completely aware of the danger I was placed into. But that was the reason I was there, at that spot. All the self-harm I did over the last few months left nothing, but angry marks, scars which, whenever I looked at, made my tears fall onto the solid, heartless ground, splattering them into tiny little droplets. They took away the pain temporarily, surely, however, it never lasted long enough. So here I was, to end all this shit for once and for all. I bit my black and blue lips while I watched the last car speed past me and stepped onto the path that has never been walked on, let alone stood still on. I closed my eyes and breathed in the last breathe I could take. Dust particles and a whiff of my faint perfume ran up my nostrils. I opened my eyes again, lifted the corner of my mouth just so slightly while facing the last face behind the windshield. Goodbye world, goodbye.

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