Traducciones   13 años

Mid-May Cigarette! If incidents in ones #life are responsible to bring out the writer in them, I a self-proclaimed writer is about to narrate a story which probably would be my very first and last attempt. I am John Wayne, a 38 year old guard at the St Mary's cemetery for the past 15 years. My job is of a guard and trust me working at a graveyard is quite a depressing task, I work in such a place where a human soul is set free of all it's bondage from his earthly desires and meet his true father. Well I take it in this way rather thinking of the pain suffered by the relatives and friends of the deceased person. Today the story is about a middle aged man whom I have been watching for a few years, he comes here for his wife. Jessica Summers, the one he visits.................Glen Summers came one October afternoon with tears in his eyes to bid adieu to the love of his #life. Then after that day he is only seen in mid Mays, the only time in a year he pays visit to his beloved. Surprising the fact that May is the only time he remembers about his wife, there is not much that he does. He comes in with some roses, cleans the grave and lights a cigarette. He smokes passionately and after a few drags he leaves. Today he entered with some red roses, cleaned the grave with his hands and lit his smoke, I could not help but ask him about his only visit and this weird habit of smoking is front of his dead wife. Does loves only lasts while the person is alive or it's a commitment made beyond all realms of #life? His answer not only astonishes me but tell me what Love truly is...........Jessica his wife hated when Glen smoked and use to shout when ever she found him smoking, Glen had quit smoking a long time but he use to smoke just to be scolded by the women he always loved. He told me that her eyes use to go round and she turned furious when ever she found Glen smoking, he also said that there was immense love and care that he could see in those furious eyes. Jessica suffered from cancer and every effort to save her was in vain. On his anniversary in mid May, he smokes in front of her because he believes that someday Jessica would simply come out and slap him for his bad habit. May is the only time in the whole year Glen Summers smokes to bring back the lady he always loved and would always love!

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