Translate   13 years ago

This Is The Time. It's that time again, The time when the#moongoes down, The time when I need a friend, The time when you hear the wolves howl. I see darkness, But alas its all I feel, It's my time to confess, As in the daylight my heart is sealed. It's the time for waterfalls, There are few who don't, Alas I am also with the majority who do. My eyes will well up, My cheeks will go red, My mind will be vague, As my sight will be hazed. This is the time when; Silence decides to be loud, Even if there's not a sound. The 'drip' & 'drop', You wish was a tap, Taunts you while sleep creeps away, Your heart was lead into an evil trap. Memories fill your sight, No matter if you put up a fight, Seconds pass, hours fade, Soon enough you'll be a bit more grazed. Now your finally tired, From all the thoughts, Your sense should be fired, Because now you're caught, People will now know, Your nights are not with sleep, But with pain, Do not be ashamed, You are not alone. This is the time, Your mind runs away, To a place, you wish you could've stayed.

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