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Diary Of A Madman #2 2nd February 1786, 3rd Era, Year of the steam Entry 265 Dear Diary Last night I could not contain my excitement. I tossed and turned in my bedding imagining the fantastic possibilities this opportunity could hold. What dark mysteries could be unveiled? What adventure? I am not sure if I can stand waiting for answers much longer. Today at noon I shall open the mysterious bag and take my first good look at that scroll. **** Dear diary One ancient dweller of the lower plains once said to never trust a man out of the sky with all he claims to hold. That certainly seems to apply to my situation this afternoon. At noon I sat myself down in my workshop. Trembling with excitement I carefully undid the leather lace on the ragged sack. The bag itself was roughly a foots length high but weighed down heavily by the array of parts contained. I removed the rugged scroll from the sack, taking care not to damage it. Slowly but enthusiastically I unrolled it. When I saw it it took my breath away. It was a diagram! A diagram of a machine so intricate, time itself seemed to stop. I took my time to remove the brass metalwork. I eventually remove 50 parts consisting of what seems to be casing, clockwork and decorative features. Ever since my dark childhood I have been fascinated by the intricate workings of clockwork. From pocket watches to the mechanical guards of the great mausoleums in the east. Some folk would say I have wasted my days on clocks and the rest. One day they will see that steam and wind power are unreliable and entirely dependent on someone operating and overseeing the machinery. A well wound pocket watch can keep time for years on end without falling behind than more than a few seconds. But I digress. After many hours I am still confused and interested in those drawings on the scroll. I noticed a strange cylindrical shape with a taper sitting on the top. As I write, this piece is not known to me. Am I missing it? Or did I not notice it? There are so many questions that need answering. So many mysteries that need solving. Yet another day passed and I am still no closer to uncovering the secrets this machine could hold. I need my rest. It must wait for tomorrow.

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