Translate   13 years ago

The Fighting Arena Part:18 I wake up in a hospital, apperantly that unsuspected arena seen was a dream. I touch my head to see if there is a scar, there isn't but I can tell it was stitched up. I feel my arm and discover a cord with a water bag connected to it, hanging above me. I see someone approaching my hospital bed. When my vision clears I see that it's the knight, without his helmet. He sits on the en of my bed and asks me "Are you ok? It looked like you were really hurt out there!" Does he think I'm a weakling?! I dismiss this thought and respond "Yeah, but my forehead still feels sore." he feels my forehead and I blush. "it's fine, but I think you can't fight again until next week." he says taking his hand away from my forehead. "oh........" I say hesitating. He sits closer to me, probably trying to make a move or something. I blush again, I can tell he is looking at me. "Are you uncomfortable....?" he say scooting away. " no no its fine....." I say scooting closer again. He smiles at me, and then scoots even closer. I feel a feeling I have never felt before, it's a nice feeling that makes me feel all warm inside. I only feel it around him....

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