Translate   13 years ago

#life Of A Physic Girl I walked though the door to my house. "Hello!" my mom greeted. I didn't answer. I dropped my backpack and kicked off my shoes. I walked into the kitchen and tiredly flung open the fridge. I pulled out a jug of milk and checked the expiration date. "Mom… this milk expires tomorrow." I notified her. "Milk doesn't go bad until a week after the expiration date." My mom responded. I didn't buy it. The expiration date is the expiration date. No exceptions. No week-laters. None of that. I sighed. Just great. A 104 degrees day and almost expired milk. After my kind of sour milk I headed upstairs. Ugh. Again, purple energy was all over my room. Of coarse I have no clue what the color has to do with anything. Maybe it has something to do with aura. I didn't know a lot about aura but I once looked it up. I knew purple aura meant no aggression whatsoever and something about creativity. Oh well. I made a quick mental note to look up aura colors. With me being absolutely invisible at school (yet again), my little sisters whining, and everything else, today hadn't been one of my best days. I came back into the kitchen. Energy was all over. I saw a short glimpse of a face but I couldn't make out most of the facial features. This time is was different. Kind of… static I guess. Like when the TV goes all fuzzy. But it was all white energy. Scattered in bits and pieces among the cabinets and chairs. I shook it off. Time for soccer practice. I just hoped no spirits would show up. My " "gift" " was a blessing and a curse……… well... mostly a curse. Sometimes spirits showed up when I didn't want them. At soccer, I was spirit-free. After, Ally came up to me. "Do you want to go see a physic show with me?" she asked, "Kassie and Jane are coming too! It sounds so mysterious!" 'Psshhh! Yeah right! They want the real thing? See me!' I thought. I didn't want my friends to think I was crazy so I didn't tell her about my "gift" I just nodded in agreement. Her mom dropped us off. When we got to the show, it was an eerie theater. I didn't see any spirits or energy though. I didn't even sense anything. There was a rather plump woman on stage with chestnut brown hair and piercing green eyes. She tapped the microphone to test if it was on. "Welcome!" she bellowed, "I am Ms. Starr and this is my showcase of physics!" she exited into the wings. Four people came out onstage. I got a weird vibe. Like, maybe they were actually real. 'Well, I'll have to wait and see.' I told myself. The one to the far left was a boy somewhere around my age group.He was tall and lanky and had hair black as night that swept over the top of his eyes and touched the back of his neck. His complexion was pale; almost as white as snow. He had bright blue eyes that almost seemed… irregularly bright. The next one over was a young lady. She was between 20-28 years old. She had blonde hair tied into a bun. Like the boy, she was taller skinny. But taller than the boy. A lot taller. She had a nervous look to her eyes. Next, was a woman that was older (33-45). She was a bit plump. She had a soft smile on her face which was framed by her light brown hair. The far right was a boy that I would guess was 18 or 19. He had spiked dark brown hair and brown almond-shaped eyes. He looked gloomy. The boy my age nodded to someone offstage and then pointed at me. The worried young lady with the blonde hair opened her mouth to speak. Before I could hear her someone grabbed me by the arm and whisked me away into the lobby. It was the plump lady that announced the four people. "You know physics can feel when others have the same power ad they, right?" she asked. I slowly nodded. "Good." she said. "One of my physics told me they felt that you too, are a physic." I slowly nodded again. "Will you join us in our shows?" she asked, "We only travel every other month." I thought for a while. Well I do have school, but who cares? "Sure but–" "GREAT!" she shouted "You shall begin tomorrow." "–but what will I tell my parents?" I continued. She smiled. "Don't you worry about that. I got it all taken care of." she said as the patted me on the shoulder. When we got back in the theater, my friends hadn't noticed I was gone. The show was already over. "Wasn't that great?" Ally squealed. I nodded. "Yeah… sure." I stammered. As we were exiting, the plump lady (Ms. Starr I think) was saying goodbye to the audience. "eight o'clock A.M.?" she asked. I nodded at her. Tomorrow, I would start.

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