Jaunt Say ta-ta to Milky Way as we're going up, up and away. Higher than the waves of cirrus you see, gyrating, putting nimbus' rain at sojourn and flee. Heliocentrism's trailblazer shall spit fire, Enef and Errai shall burn us into their twinkling pyre, Hale-Bopp's, Hyakutate's tail shall hit us in stingray fashion, and the thermosphere's natural light display shall tear us in false passion. But don't you fret, love we're riding a fast Eurasian rock dove. The black hole shall cry at our sight for it can prevent light from escaping but not our flight. Be still, engulf the large stellar masses. Be captivated before we'll land in dandelions and grasses. Time for you to sleep now, I'll kiss your cheeks goodbye. Tomorrow's another jaunt, rest, brave butterfly.