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Chapter Six: Hotel Hijinks We land in Burma, my face still red. I've been crying all night, unable to fall asleep on the plane. My eyes are puffy and swollen, and my head hurts. God I miss Finn. He betrayed me, and I feel hurt. "Violet, come on. Theres someone waiting at the hotel. Dad had traveled with me in Finns place, and I can say I welcome it. We used to travel a lot, what with dads magic. But this is the farthest I've been from home. It spooks me. I grab my suitcase, and walk to the taxi parked nearby. Taking one last forlorn glance at the empty parkway, I sigh and climb into the taxi, settling in close to dad. He puts his arm around me and I cry the whole way there... Finn sat in the terminal, his suitcase in tow. He instantly regretted leaving violet, especially when she must hate Him. Hell I'd hate me too if that happened to me. God I'm stupid. Thought Finn, mentally berating himself. He stood as boarding number was called, and dragged his feet sadly to the ticket counter. She punched his card and she looked at the destination. Her eyes widened in what Finn thought was momentary horror. "whoa, you're going to Burma? I can't believe you're brave enough, what with the drug war going on." Finns heart skipped two beats:" drug war? How bad is it?" the ticket checker snapped her head up, and was shocked that he heard that last remark. "Oh, don't mind me. I was just teasing. Have a great flight!" she quipped, Finn stayed an said: Oh yeah, I'm so not worried for my girlfriends #life at all in a strange now hostile country. I hate being underestimated. I'm seventeen, not five. Why the heck don't you treat me like it? God people can be so ornery sometimes. You're exhibit A." the line of people sniggered and the ladys face turned red. "Aww don't like being bitched at? Well I dont like being treated like a retard. Now you know how I feel. Bye bye!" Finn rushed away and down the ramp to the laughter and cheers from the line of passengers. The lady said something along the lines " little shit." her boss overheard, and beckoned her over, ending her career... "Violet, we're here." I groggily lift up my head, briefly blinded by the piercing rays of the unforgiving noonday sun. A beige, rocky building with a veranda out front towers in front of me, and my eyes bulge. This was the epitome of swanky. As I walk up, a sudden feeling of foreboding washes over me like a waterfall, and I hesitate. I didn't feel comfortable entering. It turns out I was right: as soon as we enter, policemen and women are armed and ready to defend themselves If needed to.pff. This is too easy, I think, and apply a mental glamour. Instantly I get fake memories of a #life I never lived. I was an athlete whose father had won a vacation. Not some supposedly deadly girl with evil powers. But i also happen to be a black belt. I love my #life. " what's wrong? Did we do something wrong?" I say in a ditzy voice, wringing a strand of my hair like a bimbo idiot. Ive really got to get more memories. A lot darker, more scary memories preferably. Dad looks knowingly at me. He applies a goofy, dopey dad smile and says stupidly, " is my daughter bothering you guys? She gets so lost sometimes. I apologize. Here, you got something on your shirt." dad pretends to flicks something, but Really pauses time. He assumes his deadly self again and flips a policeman into a nearby unoccupied coffee table. One down, three to go. My turn now. I flick my fingers and a shrub catches fire near a policewoman. She stares, her face filled with extreme terror. I say venomously, my voice rich with danger, " you do not belong here! Leave, and don't turn back. Unless you want to get Hurt." I smile sadistically, and she flees. One more to go. I hate using fear tactics, though. Time to bust some nuts, so to speak. I run over to the couch and leap off it, my leg extended and my knee bent slightly, and I dive kick the remaining cop in his Groin. He yells sharply, and falls to the floor. I'm Done, thankfully. I hate violence. Dad knocks out the last guard on his side, and we drag them outside. We open a dumpster and Dump them in. We share a smile and time restarts. I run inside and bump into a young guy. " oh my gosh I'm so-!" I stop and fling my hands to the guys neck, my eyes filled both with relief and uncontrollable blood lust. Finn was back. "Finn I'm going to kill you!"

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