Translate   12 years ago

The Power Of Illusions? Have you ever felt like someones watching you ? See a shadow in the corner of your eye , and then turn and no-one's there ? ..... I have .... I was sitting in my local park when I felt a cold draft pass me, like someone walking past, but when I turned no-one was there, that sunny day then turned to a storm in a blink of an eye, like magic, I thought, I ran to shelter and sat down, in the corner of my eye I could see a dark figure hovering over me, I looked up reluctantly but all I could see was the dusty, old roof of the shack. A deep shrill ran down my spine, I curled up in the corner of the room and waited till the rain stopped, the wind whistled in my ears, then it all went black, pitch black, but what had happened outside ?? Questions flow through my head..... Was there really someone watching me, stalking me ? But why? What do you believe??

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