Mystical ( Chapter 14) “Tate Mackenzie” Tate told the receptionist at the Hilton hotel. “Oh, the room you booked is on the 5th floor, room 508, here’s the key” she said with a smile as she handed the key to him. He then held my hand and lead me to the elevator. When he opened the room, I was so stund. Flower petals were on the floor leading up to the bed which was covered in red and pink petals. The light was dim and the room smelt so sweet. “our luggage, we left it in the lobby” Rose said as she turned around to walk through the door. “I told them to bring it up” Tate said as he zoomed in front of Rose. “O.k.” she said as she stepped away from the door. She walked towards the dresser and pulled out the flowers. Her hair came flooding down her back. She then turned around and found Tate standing in front of her. He leaned onto her and she smiled. “Are you trying to turn me on” Tate asks as his lips came closer to mine. “Maybe” I smirked. “That’s it” Tate said as he grabbed me and lifted me unto the bed. “No need to rush, I’m all yours” Rose laughed. “you just turn me so on” Tate whispered into my ears. Licking my check a few time. He then placed his lips unto mine, and it’s like the entire world stopped. He then brought his hands to the back of my dress and started pulling it down. “Wait” I said as I pulled away from him. “What is it” he asked. I paused, then slowly looked in his eyes. He must have heard what I was thinking because a huge smile came across his face, and I knew he knew what I was thinking. And that's when all my troubles washed away, and I didn't even remember what I was thinking. " Nothing" I smiled and leaned forward, giving him a long romantic kiss. Giving myself over to my husband . Husband I just love that word so much, I can't believe I'm going to be spending the rest of my #life with Tate, starting tonight. Bring, Bring!!! I got up to the sound of my cell . I picked it up and looked at it. “What is it Molly” I asked as I placed the phone to my ear . “So, how was your first night” Molly laughed “that’s what you woke me up so early in the morning to ask” i said “It’s one in the afternoon” she replies. Huh “ohhh… you stayed up all night” Molly shouted excitedly “Oh is that Rose” I heard Mrs. McKenzie ask in the background “ Yea” Molly “Tell her I’m ready for my second grandchild” Tate’s mother shouted. “bye” I told them sounding a bit aggetated “But wait….. (Beep) I ended the call before they could say anymore. Tate must have been up cause he was nowhere in the room. I got out of bed and felt the cool breeze touch me. “So your finally up” Tate said as he pushed the room door open. He had a tray with food in his hand. I grabbed for the cover and pulled the cover off the bed and around me. Tate looked at me and smirked “Don’t need to be shy now, it’s not like I haven’t seen all of that ” he said as he walked towards me and sat on the bed. I looked at him and blushed. He’s my husband so there’s no need to be like this. “Eat up” he said as he handed the tray in to me. “What about you” I asked “I ate already, while you were sleeping” he replied. I took a bite of the pancake and it tasted so good. It brought a smile to my face. “ ganna take a shower” Tate said as he got up. “Muhuh” I mumbled as I stuffed my mouth full of pancakes. “Still not done” Tate asked when he finished bathing and saw me still eating. “It’s so good” I said as I pushed the last of the pancake into my mouth. He looked at me and smiled. I looked back at him and smiled too. He always looks so hot when he’s wet. He walked towards me and pulled me into a big bear hug. Bring, Bring!!! “I got to take it” I said as I pulled away and reached for my phone. “Don’t take it” Tate said as he kissed my neck “it’s my mom, I got to take it” I insisted Tate sighed and let me go “Mom” I said as soon as I answered the phone. “Oh what beautiful voice you have Rose” a male voice said “Who is this” I asked “If you ever want to see your family again meet me in2 hours at Wicker Park. “Hello who is this” I started to shout, my voice full with worry. Tate was now standing beside me telling me to give him the phone. “They hang up” Tate said as he handed me the phone back. “What’s going on” I asked as I grabbed a sundress out of one of my suitcase that was left open. “I think we should leave now” Tate said as he pulled out a shirt and pants and placed them on. He then zoomed about pushing our things in our suitcases and closing them. Tears came to my eyes as I slipped on the dress. “I’m sure everything is fine, were just checking what’s going on and then come back and enjoy the rest of our honey moon” he said as he hugged me. He’s right, I’m just over exaggerating. “Rose!” Kate shouted as she burst through the room door. Tate and I was shock, and then we knew something was up. “Scott’s a vampire and he’s got your parents ” she cried. “’What!” I said as tears flooded my face “And he wants you too”
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