Translate   13 years ago

To You To you oh my love and sun oh how you make my heart race and run. To you of my day with every kind of that I hear you say. To the joy in my heart of the peace and love I can not live with out for in my #life it will never part. To my fiancé to every hour I wake up with you on my mind for I know if I didn't my soul would be gray. To you my better half that is so sweet and funny oh how you make me laugh. To you my peaceful world that can't exist with out you for all the stuff for me you do. To you are the one I love, you are the key in my heart you are mine and it should be that way until I lay down for the final time for every name has a little cent to their name for mine has a dime. To the girl that will be my wife with you I can't wait to spend my #life with you. You are my love and my dove for the world to see, you are the rest of me. You are the love of my #life. <3

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