Bound By Blood - Chapter 1 Incandescent moonlight streamed through the floor to ceiling glass windows; the rays of luminescence shone through the crystals on the chandelier, reflecting colourful fractal patterns over the walls. The beauty of the prismatic rainbow shining against the wall held me mesmerised for a moment as I pondered what I would do tonight. I paced along the grand music room, my heels clip clopping on the marble floor. Pigments of crystal within the marble sparkled like diamonds and my attention drew to it like a moth drawn to a flame. I closed my eyes in aggravation. There were far too many distractions here. Normally I enjoyed looking out of the penthouse upon the city, but tonight, with the#moonhigh and my 500th birthday approaching within hours, I just felt so alone. I opened my eyes again and sighed miserably. I felt old. Everyone thought I was happy but truth be known my #life was growing wearisome. Something began vibrating in my pocket. I fumbled for a moment but pulled my phone out and flipped it open as I shoved it to my ear. Deafening music assaulted me for a moment before I tuned the sound out to focus on the caller. 'Kat, can you hear me?' 'I can but you don't need to shout...' I trailed off forgetting that Alyssa didn't know about my hearing. 'I can't hear you...' 'Can you hear me now?' I yelled back, smiling in amusement. 'Yea. Like... are you coming to meet us? We're in...' she trailed off as she asked someone where they were. 'Verboten. It's the new club over near Gower Square,' she gushed merrily, already half tipsy by the sounds of things. 'Sure. I'll be there in like 20,' I yelled back. I hung up and stuffed the phone back into my jeans pocket, hurried across the vast music room and began stripping my vest top as I sped up the stairs to my private floor. It was times like now I was pleased my parents often had situations to attend to. I guess that happens when you have the position they possess. I dreaded the day I would have to take over ruling the faction. For now I was free to do whatever. I oversaw some problems but most of the time they left me be, understanding my lack of interest and not bothering trying to change my stubborn ways. I entered my sleeping chamber and zipped across to my walk in wardrobe. I grabbed several tops in succession, huffing each time I tried it against myself, dismissing them and throwing them across the closet. I dropped my head and breathed out slowly, relaxing every muscle as I breathed in and out. I raised my head, made a beeline for the dresses and pulled a beautiful, black, knee high dress out. Star burst patterns made by diamanté crystals covered the bodice part and went up and around the halter neck straps. The fabric of the skirt part was flowing and loose. A dress perfect for dancing in. It looked magnificent with the kind of lighting they used in night clubs. I stripped off the remainder of my clothes and efficiently pulled the garment into place. I skipped to the dressing table, sprayed perfume onto my wrists and scattered a light body glitter all over my arms and chest. I gracefully dropped onto the stool and scanned my shelves for the perfect shoes... where were they... THERE. My black, stiletto heeled, ballet style shoes. Black ribbons laced up intricately to just under the knee. My pale skin gleamed through the crisscross perfectly. I swivelled around and looked in the mirror. I speedily donned my make-up and smirked at myself. That would do. I glanced at my phone to see how long I'd been. 15 minutes. That left 5 minutes to get there. I pounced from the stool in a graceful leap and landed precisely. I yanked my clutch bag from the side, peeking inside to check for money. I had enough, I thought merrily, as I eyed the wad of cash left over from my last night out. *** I closed my eyes and concentrated as I phased to the location Alyssa had mentioned. I found them both incredibly easily, but continued on to the side of the building to un phase so no-one would see. The last thing the vampire race needed was a slip up like being found out. There were too many scared and violent humans out there for it not to cause an uprising. We'd have a vampire hunt on our hands before we knew it. I threw my otherworldly senses, scanning for humans in the vicinity; having found none I un-phased. I began to saunter along the alley seductively and as I got closer to the street I ruffled my long auburn hair. The smell of blood from the club patrons hit me hard and oh boy, was it mouth watering. I swore softly under my breath, realising that I had not fed before coming out. I had good control, but being hungry and going into a room full of food... I mean humans... was torturous. I wondered what the odds were of there being a licensed and approved blood donator within the club. I chanted repeatedly that all would be fine and I would find a blood giver as I turned the corner. Twin squeals of excitement and drunkenness assaulted me as my two com padres threw themselves at me. Had I not been what I am, I would of fallen flat on my ass. I fake staggered back and pretended to lose balance as they giggled and grabbed me. They didn't realise I was faking luckily. Pretending to be human came second nature these days. We had to for the good of the race. It was one law all factions had to abide by. Above all else, we must not be known to humans as what we truly are. Lest we fall into a war that we dare not consider. The inebriated pair grabbed a hand each and began dragging me towards the grand entrance of the new club. They stopped in synchronicity and seemed to stiffen as if frozen or... it couldn't be that someone was mind controlling them, it was illegal. I glanced around the street but found no-one. In an eerie movement, they turned as one and began ambling towards an alley across the street. Their hands gripped mine so hard that their knuckles were turning white with the strain. Alyssa and Laura were completely oblivious to what was going on. Their minds would be blank right now which was lucky for them. It was also lucky for me too. I wouldn't have to worry about them finding out my secret as I fixed the problem. We stopped just a few feet into the alley when 3 men emerged from the shadows. I tilted my head to the side in a predatory movement. Watching the scene unfold before my eyes. Slowly they began approaching us but halted when they noticed the fact I was still lucid. I gazed and assessed each of them in turn for threats but they were all young. Less than 50 years dead. I felt a little niggle in my mind as one of them tried to send me a mental push to go blank. I blinked slowly and began to smile. More sensations flooded me as all three began trying to blank me. Quietly I began to laugh. It was too funny for words. 50 years was young but they should still know the basics. Like how to sense your own kind. Their eyes shifted to blood red, as they prepared to rush us. I could feel a tingling sensation in the vicinity of my own eyes as they transitioned. I was different. My eyes turned black as opposed to red. The blood red eyes told me instantly they were creations as opposed to pureblooded like myself. My fangs began to lengthen and sharpen in preparation. I hissed savagely at them to get their attention. 'Think about this before you attack me boys. You may have more on your side but I am older than you. Keep in mind not only are you attacking an older vampire, but you'll be attacking the daughter of the leader of the ____ faction,' I growled roughly trying to stay in control. In this transitional stage, the blood of my friends was almost overpowering my control. The vampires halted and looked to each other, seemingly having a silent conversation. They seemed to come to an agreement and within seconds they had vanished from my sight, fleeing in the opposite direction. I carefully took over the control of my friends and gradually brought them back as I led them to where we had been standing but moments before, whilst allowing my transition to fade off, allowing my eyes and teeth to return to normal. The bouncer looked at us in turn and pulled the cord back permitting us entry. The hall leading in to the club itself was exquisite. Floor to ceiling mirrors that were all cracked and shattered but concealed behind more glass. We gradually pushed until we entered the large dance-floor. Alyssa and Laura were eerily silent but I couldn't say much as my control was teetering. I need to find a blood donor, and I needed one soon. There were several here, I could sense them. Now all I had to do was approach one and I'd be fine. I watched as my friends, the troublemakers, made their way to the bar through the tumultuous crowds as the rowdy patrons bustled and shuffled to the music. I turned once I was happy they'd reached safety and and went on the search for one of the blood givers. The staircase to the second floor lay before me. Ahead lay my saviour of the night. I only hoped that the donor was available. I gracefully swayed to the music whilst I climbed the sparsely lit stairway. At the top I looked out across the less populated VIP area. Two heavily set men stood guard at the top. They stood side by side, making it impossible for me to pass. I glanced at each in turn and beamed my most dazzling sultry smile. I hated having to do it this way but mind controlling was too close to exposure for our kind, hence the illegality of the act. No one was exempt from this rule. 'My friend is up here. I thought maybe I could just say hi?' I purred seductively. The guards both smiled and began to separate to let me through, halted after seeing something behind me and then closed ranks again. I didn't need to glance behind me to know there was someone bigger behind me. I could sense it and my skin began to crawl. Parlour tricks of course. Any vampire over 200 could do it. It was frowned upon though. I raised my shields and shrugged the sensation off as I turned to face the on-comer. 'Kat, How good to grace my club with your presence.' I studied the hulk of a man before me. I didn't recognise him but he clearly knew who I was. Then again, my identity was never a big secret being as my parents were the enforcers of this city. I smiled and nodded curtly. 'Is there something I can help you with my dear?' He asked with a sly smirk on his face. I glowered slightly at the tone and familiarity in which he'd spoken to me, released my annoyance and smiled politely. 'Not the kind of help I can talk about here.' 'I see. Care to follow me dear and I'll assist you any way I am able.' At his nod the guards parted and he stepped past me and them. He turned and gestured for me to follow like his little pet. My control on my temper was slowly but surely slipping. I growled slightly as I passed the hulking bouncers, pleased to see their eyes widen marginally. 'Now now dear. This way and we can have a nice talk and see what I can do for you.' I sighed, bit my tongue and followed him through a door labelled 'private' and down a dingy corridor. The sooner this little chat ended the sooner I could get what I so desperately needed. Sustenance.

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