Traducciones   13 años

Home Townn As I walk through my hometown I see crackheads, men, girls who advertise and boys who entertain Then I see mothers and sons who are soldiers Different in colour&shape, character and stance Young ones trapped in a dystopian world Dreaming of the material things and the finer things things that come with a rougher #life Babymothers cry and weep at night Drunks roam the streets at night Dealers hawk the hawked around corners Whilst a young boy is lead like a blind sheep His father. Absent in the presence of his 'other' family His mother knows the truth But is scared to tell her baby The same boy that rides on his bike to his fate maybe? But maybe he'll survive as he rides out with his 'brothers' Deindividuation in it's trance Cause finally the lost boy feels a part of something Protected and cared but most importantly wanted That's just a little bit about my Hometown Stay tuned for the good parts of my hometown Peace&Love

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