The Light Of Heaven Be not a follower but a leader. Lead others on the right path. Herd, or shepherd, them to God. Lead them to what is right. Away from wrong. Do this by YOUR will. Be eager to do what's right. Don't let others MAKE you do it. Learn to do the right. And teach what you've learned to others. For by doing this, you are doing both God's will and your own will. Who doesn't love the feeling of helping others? By doing this, you are saving not only yourself but others also. By this, you will have eternal #life with God, your only god, in heaven. But not only will YOU be benefited by this. Others will, too. Hopefully, they will learn from what you have done. And if they did, they can help others. By doing this, you are saving not only yourself but others also. By this, you will have eternal #life with God, your only god, in heaven. See! It is like a chain reaction! We imitate what others do! And if we imitate the good in others, We too can be good! So, it is better than to take action than to wait. BE THE FIRST TO HELP OTHERS! Lead them to the light! The light of heaven! So they may imitate you and lead others. THAN WE ALL CAN LIVE IN THE GLORY OF GOD! IN HEAVEN!
nicole kim
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