Chapter 1 An autumn evening broke into winter as December 1st approached. Crackling leaves leapt to the white floor as the old tree shivered. The sun seemed dimmer, less warming and comforting. Hayleigh squinted her eyes at they followed the flickering candle-light; the only light that seemed to warm anything. It bouced about, happily: Although disturbed by its watcher. Candles are tricky creatures - they like attention, but too much and they'll blow out their flame, so their core is cold as ice. Hayleigh sighed and reached for the curtain. Gracefully, flakes of snow danced around the air, trees and streetlights, then fell to their death. The streetlights grew firery then dimmed slightly; an uncomfortable glow formed around it. Uneasily, Hayleigh shut the curtains and turned to the candel - only to see its icy self. The room darkened. A mist thickened on the ceiling, causing Hayleigh to splutter. Her eyes widened, her neck snapped left, her knees buckled to the ground and her murderer rose behind her. "Witch!" He spluttered. Dark, big built and muscly, he relit the candle, opened the curtains bright and locked the door on the way out. As the sun rose on the distant horizon, the night before was just a haze. Bright blue filled the sky, not a cloud in sight . Temperatures rose and the snow melted early in the morning, like a summers day. Everything was so different. Nearing noon, a dozen ambulances and police cars surrounded the victims house. Inside lay a body. Snapped neck bathing in a puddle of spilt blood, a table and a candle being the only furniture around. She was too late to be saved, a funeral date was planned. "Fat cop" a lanky policeman called over a bigger, more muscly one "what d'ya think happened?" The Fat cop scanned the room and stopped at her body. "Um, well..." He thought for a theory "she must have fell over, i mean the candles still lit" he glanced over at the small cop, hopefully but got no responce and he was his only company. His eyes turned back to the decomposing body "witch!" he spluttered.
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