The Boy And ... This is of a boy lost in an eternally white world, a world with nothing but an endlessly flat white ground that blended perfectly into the white sky. Perhaps the boy had been born here, the boy himself did not know. Simply, at one time, he wondered "why do I think?" The boy knew nothing except for the endless white. The boy looked at himself, naked but different from the nothingness in this world. Although the boy was unique, he saw no peculiarity with his existence for that is what was since the very beginning of his consciousness. He walked, and ran, and jumped and shouted. He grew neither tired nor bored, for that was his world. Even if he moved around, it was as if he hadn't because of that white world. The boy breathed in and out and felt his own heartbeat. Suddenly, he thought "why do I do this?" He went on investigating himself, however and hit himself eventually. He felt an odd feeling that he had never felt before. In the end, there was nothing more. And so it was, and the boy forgot all that he had done, for the world had not changed. The boy forgot and saw the white world, which again filled up his mind with nothingness. The boy gave himself to that world, remaining the boy trapped naked in the endless white world.
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