Confuse Why do people cheat even thou we all know the consequence of it. They say adultery might be in your gene or is it just an excuse to cover our liars and bad behaviour. Why woman are never satisfied with a good man? We complain if he isn't good and get irritated if he is too good, what actually do we want.
Face Face can be different. Face of happiness, face of sadness, face of pretending, face of secrets. But the only face that I have now is how do I manage to let myself down and looks so ugly. Why do i wasted my time on unnecessary thing and now with age catching up with me, I am full of regrets and now wanting to make amends. I hope I have enough time to get my #life back on track.
My Love I love the way you love and care about me. The way you know what I like and what I don't. You really gets me even more than I get myself. I'm sorry if I don't tell you enough about how I love you, how you makes me happy, makes me feel like the most prettiest woman in the world. The way you always think about my needs and know what makes me mad. The way you try just to be a good man and make me happy even thou I could be selfish sometime but your love for me always ignore and lets go. Knowing you is the best thing that has happen to me and pls never leaves me
My Child Giving birth might be the most painful thing I might have ever done, but it is the most precious thing that can ever happen to anyone. The face so fresh and innocent. The smile that brighten the day and makes you forget all about your worries. The feeling of someone being yours, nothing can ever compare to that joy and happiness Just want you to know that every time I look at you, I know my #life was worth living because I have got you. Nothing can ever replace you in my heart. I will always love, care and be there for you when ever you need me.
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