3rd Draught And Counting Everything I write (if it is to be read by any other person) is always a re-write of a re-write of a re-write. My first and second draughts always make more sense to me when I think them, but somehow, the act of committing them to paper or screen makes me seem like an arrogant and boastful cretin with delusions of profound insight. My skin crawls and I cannot delete the words quick enough. And yet, I start again. And again. And sometimes again, even though, despite the words changing, I'm still saying the same thing. So, if you're reading this, I promise, I did as mum always told me to; I thought about what I was going to say before I said it. Unfortunately, I then scrutinised it, over analysed it and re-wrote it. I did this all again once more and I am now left with the feeling that I have wasted my time and subsequently, your time. I have provided no profound thoughts, no witty observations, not even an opinion as to why I feel the need to write. But, I must say thanks for reading this. I could say I don't care what people think of my writing, but that's a lie. My hope is that some people will read my ramblings and say, 'me too'.
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