The Grey Area Neo was flung across his bunk, ebony hair fell across his face as his roommate Kaiden snored so loudly that Neo couldn’t sleep. With his fist he punched the bed above him and to his relief Kaiden- his friends called him ‘Kai’, Neo preferred ‘Snob’ and ‘idiot’- stopped snoring. The moonlight fell through the curtain-less windows, you would have thought that a boarding school charging bucket loads of money each year would be able to afford better accommodations, but no, that was just too much to ask. His mind moved on to the test tomorrow, it was in his least favourite subject but lasted the longest- perfectly typical of his #life. Seven Stars boarding school was more like a prison than an actual school, well that’s what he saw it as- all the other students seemed to be rich, happy and had a tendency to hate him, it could be because he was poor, useless at sport, had creepily dark eyes, because he dressed mostly in black or because he was always rude to people, the list could go on and on. He sighed and rolled out of his bed to where his books were, after letting his eyes adjust to the darkness he started sifting through them till he found his English book, With a grunt he got up and headed over to the window, if the ‘warden’ caught him he would get detention for a month but he needed to do something other than stare at the four plain walls. In the window his reflection caught his eyes, his pale skin looked almost sickly in the moonlight and his hair fell across his face so you could barely make out his dark brown eyes staring back underneath. Unlike Kaiden he was not tanned or muscular, but he was lean and could run pretty fast, but that was mainly due to lots of experience in running away from people. He pressed his shoulder against the glass till a loud grating sound could be heard as the window gave way under the pressure and creaked open, letting the cool night air flow in. Neo winced and looked behind him in case Kai woke up but the guy slept like a rock, he just grunted and kept snoring.
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